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Potato and Zucchini Open Faced Omelet July 20, 2010

Posted by Angela @ Making Food for Friends in breakfast, good for a group, vegetarian.
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Ryan and I love going out to breakfast on the weekends.  We alternate between a few favorite spots around town, but more often than not, we end up at Club Bart, eating plates of veggie sausage omelets, eggs benedicts, and hash browns.  Waking up this Sunday morning, my first thought was to round up the troops & head over there for breakfast, but then I stopped and thought about our fridge, bursting at the seams with food & fresh veggies from a trip to Eastern Market on Saturday, and I decided to spend a little time in the kitchen instead.  By the time Ryan woke up and our friends came over, I made an open faced “omelet” out of potato, zucchini, and a few other veggies in a saute pan, finishing it off in the oven for a little extra melty-ness for the cheese. The majority of the vegetables in this are grated on a box grater.  When  you grate vegetables like that, they end up releasing a lot of water.  Next time I’d be more diligent about pressing the water out.  I did a quick press of the veggies with some paper towel this time, but it’s an important step to make sure there isn’t too much moisture in the pan when the omelet is cooking.

I think picking the right pan to make this in is crucial.  You want a saute pan or skillet that is a few inches deep, has a cover, and is oven-safe.  If you skip the broiling part, you don’t NEED it to be oven-safe, but it’s a nice finishing touch.  Something like this is perfect:

saute panPotato and Zucchini Open Faced Omelet

Potato Zucchini Omelet


2 medium potatoes, grated (I used Yukon gold…I think any waxy potato would work)
2 medium carrots, grated
1 small onion, grated
2 cloves of garlic, minced
cooking spray
1 medium zucchini, grated
Handful of cherry tomatoes, halved (about 1/3 of a plastic container)
2 green onions, chopped
3/4 cup of italian blend or mozzarella cheese
6 eggs
Fresh herbs (I used basil and oregano)
Salt & pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 400.

Start by grating the potatoes.  I leave the skins on for extra nutrients, but you can peel first if you like!  Place the grated potatoes in a bowl, cover with cold water, and let them sit for 10-15 minutes while you prep the rest of the veggies.

Grate the carrots and onion and add the garlic to another bowl.  Once the potatoes are done soaking, drain & rinse them, then press out as much water as you can.  Add the potatoes to the carrot/onion bowl.

Spray your saute pan with some cooking spray, and add the potatoes/onion/carrots/garlic to the pan.  Cook over medium heat, pressing the veggies down into the pan to form a nice browned bottom.  Stir occasionally, cooking for 5-7 minutes or until tender.  Add the grated zucchini to the pan, stirring gently.  Cover the pan, and cook another 3-4 minutes.  Add the tomatoes and green onions, stirring again.  Cook another 2-3 minutes. Salt and pepper throughout all of this as you like.

Beat the eggs in a bowl, and add the chopped herbs and 1/2 cup of cheese to the beaten eggs.  Pour the egg mixture on top of the veggies, top with the remaining 1/4 cup of cheese and more S&P, and put the pan in the oven for 5-10 minutes, or until a fork in the middle comes out clean. Once the egg is cooked throughout, turn the broiler on in the oven for just another 2 minutes or so, allowing the cheese to get browned and melty.

Remove from the oven, and let it sit about 5 minutes before cutting into it. If you don’t do this, it will come out of the pan crumbly on the bottom, like mine above!  But it’ll still taste good.  🙂

Veggie Quiche and a Challenge Update May 3, 2010

Posted by Angela @ Making Food for Friends in breakfast, vegetarian.
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I went to the grocery store yesterday to stock up all of the fresh vegetables, fruit, and lunchmeat we will need to make it through a week with no grocery trips. Here’s what I came home with.  Not pictured are all of the refrigerated goods: newly purchased spinach and broccoli, and existing kale, jalapenos, and green onions. Check out the yellow spaghetti squash on top of the knife block….that guy has been in our house for over a week now.  I am vowing to put it to good use this week!

Challenge Veggies

Ryan and I had some friends over for dinner last night and I decided to make a sort of “breakfast for dinner,” with a broccoli red pepper quiche and some oven-roasted potatoes.  I love this quiche recipe.  My mom clipped it from the Oakland Press sometime in the 90s, I believe, and wrote it out for me earlier this year.  In the newspaper, this recipe was titled “Connie’s Veggy Quiche” and a Google search tells me this recipe has never made it to the internet.  The recipe below reflects changes my mom has made to Connie’s original recipe, and changes I generally make, as well.  The thing is, though, I don’t think I’ve ever made this the same way twice!  Last night it was a broccoli/red pepper quiche (we had no mushrooms in the house) and it turned out just fine.  Here’s the base recipe, feel free to change it up to use whatever you have on hand.

Veggie Quiche

Veggie Quiche

1 9 inch uncooked crust (homemade or storebought)
2 tbs butter, divided
1 small onion or equivalent mix of onions/shallots
1 cup cooked broccoli, chopped
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup red pepper, sun dried tomato, or other veggies you have around
3 tbs fresh basil (or other herbs)
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tbs sherry or red wine
1 tsp lemon juice
1 1/2 cup half and half, heavy cream, or milk (whatever you have)
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup grated swiss
1 cup grated cheddar
1/4 cup grated parmesan

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt 1 tbs butter and cook onions over medium heat until cooked through (about 5 min).
Add red pepper (if using) and cook another 3 min.  Add pre-steamed broccoli and cook until heated through.
Add basil, salt, and pepper; mix thoroughly and set aside in a small bowl.
Add remaining butter to pan and cook mushrooms for a few minutes. Stir in sherry or wine and lemon juice.  Add sun-dried tomatoes, if using. Cook another 5 minutes.
Add mushroom mixture to broccoli bowl.
Lightly beat 4 eggs in a small bowl.  Add cream or milk to egg bowl.
Sprinkle crust with swiss cheese.
Add veg mixture (the broccoli/mushroom bowl) to crust.
Pour egg and cream/milk over veg mixture.
Sprinkle cheddar over top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Let cool 10 minutes before cutting.

Options: Switch out veggies, cheeses, and herbs to whatever you have on hand.  I don’t think I’ve ever made this quiche the same way twice!  It’s a good way to use up extra veggies you have on hand.  The recipe can be made lighter by using egg whites instead of whole eggs, and using reduced fat milk in place of the cream or half and half.  You could probably reduce the amount of cheese, but I’ve never done that.  🙂